将礼学人文情怀融于星级服务,提供无可挑剔的宴会服务,以名门贵府的大家礼序,让您尽享无与伦比的会务体验,让相处时刻温暖而有秩,超越无形亦可触摸彼此温度。 酒店2个宴会厅及4个小型多功能厅,均配置专业会议设施,将为您带来无与伦比的视觉体验,足以满足各式宴会、高档婚宴及中小型会议等需求。 Combining the humanistic care of ritual with star-class service, it offers an impeccable banquet service. Based on the etiquette of famous families, it allows our guests to enjoy the unforgettable conference experience. It makes it warm and in order, beyond intangible but possible to feel each other's feelings for guests to spend time together. There are 2 ballrooms and 4 function rooms equipped with professional conference facilities which can brings our guests unforgettable visual experience. It suits the need of different kinds of feasts, high-end wedding banquets and small and medium sized conferences etc.