国家厂丝储备杭州仓库位于江涨桥东北处的大兜路170号,为浙江省丝绸公司堆放蚕茧、丝绸之地。据传,今仓库处为清代仁和县粮仓“仁和仓 ”旧址。仁和仓曾被称为“天下第一仓 ”。 National Storehouse of Mulberry Silk in Hangzhou is located at No.170 Dadou Road in the northeast of Jiangzhang Bridge used for storing silkworm cocoon and silk of Zhejiang Silk Company. It is told that the current location of the storehouse was used to build a granary "Renhe" in Qing dynasty for Renhe county. "Renhe" was called "The best storehouse in the world"

新中国成立后的1951年,国家开始筹建浙江省丝绸公司,以匹配白居易笔下“红袖织绫夸柿蒂,青旗沽酒趁梨花”的“丝绸之府”的美誉,并且在此建造了厂丝仓库。 这一建筑群落由4座三层多开间的青砖黛瓦楼房组成,平面布局成长方形,具有20世纪50年代工业仓储建筑的特色风格,占地面积约2600平方米,建筑面积共约8870平方米。 In 1951 after the founding of new China, the state began the preparation of Zhejiang Silk Company to match the reputation of "The Home of Silk" described in Baijuyi’s poetry "Beauty in Hangzhou praised Shidi for its weaving;People rushed to taverns to buy wine called Lihua;, and established a storehouse of mulberry silk at the site. This building group is formed by 4 three-storey buildings with grey bricks and tiles. It is laid out as a rectangle which has the unique style and characteristics of industrial storage building in the 1950s. It covers an area of about 2600 square meters and the area of building is 8870 square meters.

2015年年底由11栋原国家厂丝储备仓库改造而成的豪华精品酒店杭州运河祈利酒店在大兜路历史文化街区开业。酒店独特的开放式设计将厚重历史折射出现代感,在保持历史遗迹外观不变的状态下华丽转身。 In the end of 2015, the luxury boutique hotel Cheery Canal Hotel Hangzhou was opened for business at historical and cultural block of Dadou road. The hotel is reconstructed from 11 former National Storehouses of Mulberry Silk. The unique open design of the hotel reflects the modern sense of rich history and it is transformed beautifully with the historical appearance unchanged.

杭州运河祈利酒店( 原国家厂丝储备仓库)总投资达数亿,占地面积10000多平方米,由杭州运河集团投资发展有限公司开发,由杭州祈利酒店管理有限公司负责筹建和管理的高端轻奢精品酒店。 仓库的青砖外墙、特色铁皮窗户和屋顶都被被完好无缺地保留了下來, 未经雕琢的青砖上至今还留存着当年制砖厂刻下的印记。 Hundreds of millions is invested in the Cheery Canal Hotel Hangzhou (Former National Storehouse of Mulberry Silk). It covers an area of more than 10,000 square meters. It was a high-end luxury and boutique hotel developed by HangZhou Canal Group Investment Development Co., Ltd. and prepared and managed by Cheery Canal Hotel Hangzhou Management Co., Ltd. The outer wall with grey bricks, unique iron window and roof are reserved unbrokenly. There are marks curved by the brick plant at that time left on the rough grey bricks.

酒店共有140间客房,包括豪华客房和顶级套房、全日制西餐厅、中餐包房、宴会厅、多功能厅、大小会议室及游泳池、SPA、菩提酒吧、健身中心、棋牌室等配套娱乐设施。 There are 140 rooms in total including luxury rooms and top suites, all day dining western restaurants, Chinese food VIP rooms, ballrooms, function rooms, conference rooms, and supporting leisure facilities such as swimming pool, SPA, Buddha Bar, fitness center, chess and card room etc.